Book Tag: I Am Drowning In My TBR Pile

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Today I’m trying something a little different: a book tag! I’ve never done one of these before, but I saw @Jamishelves doing this one before and I thought it might be a great way to look at all the books I want to read.

How do you keep track of you TBR pile?

I mostly keep track of it digitally on Goodreads, where I’ve sorted it into books I own, books I can get from the library, books that aren’t out yet, and books I want to get my hands on. This way I know what’s available to me and where it is. However, I’ve also sort of unintentionally sorted it in real life by keeping all the books I own but haven’t read at my mom’s house and everything else at my dad’s house.

Is your TBR mostly print or eBook?

Almost completely print except for webcomics and short fiction online. I don’t even own a Kindle because I don’t like reading on screens for long periods of time. I’ll probably break down an get an e-reader at some point for convenience and cost, but right now my TBR is print. I think that actually helps keep it under control because print books are more expensive and I have to consider if I really want to read something when I pay for it.

How do you determine which book from your TBR to read next?

Mainly mood (what genre or length I’m feeling like reading), but also other stuff like guilt at not having read books people have given to me, the books I can easily get my hands on, and how soon something is due at the library. But mainly mood, because I don’t really organize my TBR. (Though maybe I should start doing that considering how many unread books I have lying around that I overlook for library books…)

A book that’s been on your TBR longest?


Probably An Inheritance of Ashes by Leah Bobet. It came out in 2015 and has been on my TBR since before I even had a Goodreads account. (Fun fact: I used to keep a physical paper list of books I wanted to read that I would cross out and rewrite every so often!) It’s out of bookstores no library near me has it, but the concept sounds cool enough (two sisters surviving the aftermath of a magical war) that I still want to read it.

A book that you recently added to your TBR?

The Henna Wars by Adiba Jaigirdar, which just sold to Page Street and should be out in 2020! It’s about 2 girls running rival henna businesses who fall in love and is #ownvoices! I’ve been following the author on Twitter for a bit & hoped she would sell her book, so it’s exciting to see that happen!

A book on your TBR strictly because of its beautiful cover?

I don’t know if I strictly add books to my TBR because of covers, but the cover of The Opposite of Always by Justin A. Reynolds is what caught my eye about it at first.


A book on your TBR that you never plan on actually reading?

Well, I would have said Dune, which is on my unofficial “old SFF books I need to read to have any nerd crew” TBR but one of my friends just started it and convinced me to read it before the movie comes out, so maybe Unhooked by Lisa Maxwell. My sister bought a copy a while ago and I added it to me TBR because it was lying around the house, even though I have so little interest in it that I didn’t even remember it was on my TBR until now.


An unpublished book on your TBR that you’re excited for

Ahhhh…too many! I’ll pick three otherwise I’ll go out of control.

Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston, a rom com in which the son of the first female president of the U.S. falls for a British prince. I’ve gotten a little bit into adult romance in the past few months and I’ve only heard amazing things about this, so I’m really excited!


The Dragon Republic by R.F. Kuang. It’s the sequel to last year’s The Poppy War, an amazing, brutal fantasy debut with the kind of ending that left me gasping to find out where she’d go next. It comes out in June and I am SO EXCITED YOU DON’T EVEN UNDERSTAND.


Wilder Girls by Rory Power, a creepy book that’s described as being similar to the Southern Reach Trilogy but with a boarding school, a F/F romance, and a creepy forest, all things I love reading about. Plus, that COVER.


A book on your TBR that basically everyone has read except you


King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo, which I own but have somehow been taking my sweet time with? Because I’ve waited to read it (for…some reason?) I’ve gotten lightly spoiled, unfortunately. I’m a little worried that it’s just a cash grab, but Nikolai was one of my favorite characters from the original series, so I’m hoping to get around to it soon.

A book on your TBR that everyone recommends to you

Beneath the Citadel by Destiny Soria. I liked Soria’s debut novel, Iron Cast, a whole lot and several people have told me this one is great. The premise is cool–a YA fantasy that’s got a diverse band of rebels in a world governed by ancient prophecies–and thankfully my sister owns a copy that I can hopefully steal from her!


A book on your TBR that you’re just dying to read

The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi. I love Chokshi’s writing and The Gilded Wolves is supposed to have a great cast of characters. I’ve been waiting for it since it was literally a PW announcement and a Pinterest board to stalk, but my school library just got a copy so  I can read it soon!


The number of books on your Goodreads TBR shelf

1,222 books…ha…ha…ha…that’s FINE.

I really, really need to go through my TBR and purge/prioritize books soon because this is getting a little out of hand. Thankfully, the way that I have stuff organized (own/library/unreleased/can’t find anywhere) does really help me cut it down on a daily basis because I know what I can easily find and read, but I’m sure there’s stuff in there that I’m not interested in reading anymore. I read a lot, but that’s several years worth of books even if I just stick to what’s there right now! So…yeah…I need help, but at least I’m aware of it.

How about you all?

Have you read any of the books I have on my TBR? Do you have opinions on them? Are you also desperately overwhelmed by all the amazing-sounding books out there?